Oct 21 2010

Col Gaddafi was shot dead in Sirte in Libya.


oct 6 

Apple 'visionary' Steve Jobs dies aged 56

Former chief executive and co-founder of US technology giant Apple Steve Jobs has died, the company says. He was 56.


October 4

Experts have been promising for decades to put a robot in everyone's home - and finally robots are beginning to make the transition from specialist to everyday use.

Spencer Kelly discovers the similarities between robots used for cleaning and those used by soldiers in Afghanistan for a very different purpose.

September 26

The latest version of Boeing's iconic jumbo jet, the 747-8, is making its debut at the Le Bourget air show in Paris.

The new model is the world's longest passenger plane and can seat 467 people, 51 more than the older jumbo.

The original 747 made its maiden flight 42 years ago. (The BBC)

August 19 2011

Asian stocks dip as global economic growth fears return(The BBC)




July 23 2011

A massive bomb blast has hit government buildings in the Norwegian capital Oslo, killing at least two people and injuring 15 others.(引自 The BBC)


SEVEN dead in double terrorist attack in Norway as car bomb blast hits government office block and man opens fire at children's summer camp(引自 The Daily Mail)


July 21 2011

A 120-million-year-old fossil is the oldest pregnant lizard ever discovered, according to scientists.

( 依據倫敦大學的科學家的研究 一個目前被發現被有1億2千萬年的化石是目前為止被發現最古老的懷孕蜥蜴,引用自The BBC)

Researchers from University College London,  who studied the fossil, say it was just days from giving birth when it died and was buried during the Cretaceous period.



July 20 2011

Taipei hosts BioBusiness Asia forum

This year’s BioBusiness Asia (BBA) began yesterday in Taipei with the goal of fostering a favorable investment environment, and promoting research and development in the field of biotechnology.

(今年在台北舉行為期兩天的亞洲生技商機高峰論壇昨日在台北開始. 論壇以培養良好投資環境,促進在生物領域之研發為主要目標.)(引譯自Taipei Times)


 July 19 2011

Cisco to cut workforce by 9% and sell Mexican unit ( 猜猜看哪一個公司會買下這個墨西哥廠?)

(給你一個提示: 鴻x)

Cisco does not expect any job losses to come from its plans to sell its television set-top box manufacturing facility in Juarez, Mexico.

Instead, 5,000 employees will be transferred to contract manufacturer Foxconn(鴻海集團之富士康) in the first three months of the 2012 fiscal year. (引用自The BBC)

(美國網通設備大廠思科(Cisco Systems)日前宣佈將實施全球裁員,幅度達6,500人,目標是一年省下約10億美元的營運成本;該公司表示,6,500人佔據目前思科所有全職員工的9%左右比例,其中有2,100人是選擇了優退,並將一座墨西哥廠賣給鴻海富士康(Foxconn),做為削減10億美元為年度成本的一部份計劃.)

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